Ep. 34 - Money Mindset, Abundance and the Chillpreneur Lifestyle with Denise Duffield-Thomas

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I hope this episode today with Denise Duffield-Thomas (aka Denise DT) gives you a little insight into how to have hard and honest conversations in your relationships about money and personal needs, how to build a thriving business while also creating a chill life and how to reframe your own money mindset and instill positive money habits with your children.

I brought Denise on the show because there are not a lot of examples out there of moms who are building million dollar companies with super young kids in tow and who are unapologetic about pursuing their dreams and having a ton of fun.

Denise DT is a money mentor for the new wave of online entrepreneurs who want to make money and change the world. 

She helps women charge premium prices, release the fear of money and create First Class lives. Her Money Bootcamp has helped over 6,000 students from all around the world reprogram their money mindset and live an abundant life.

She is the author of 3 bestselling books all of which give a fresh and funny roadmap to living a life of abundance without burnout. I’ve listened to 2 of them on Audible and so I highly recommend them!

Denise calls herself a lazy introvert and an unbusy mother of 3 and when she’s not running her multi-million dollar company, you can find her at either her rose farm or at her beach house in sunny Australia.


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